The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins 3.9.21

Feedback is offering commentary on a product/service as a basis for improvement. I had a reaction to PFT’s speech ‘fillers’, but gave it another go. I’ve since said ‘I ended up enjoying his commentary.’ So, there should be no bone of contention. There’s no longer a need to ‘defend your corner’, I’ve been perfectly pleasant and we’ve never actually interacted in person so it’s not as though you can offer any criticism that is constructive (which is what feedback is). So, I do wonder why it is that you’ve continued to say ‘oh, I’d hate to talk to you,’ other than to be unnecessarily rude when you could’ve been on your way two comments ago. Anyway, I’m not quite sure what it is I’ve done to upset you, but I am sorry as I intended no offence.

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