Rush Limbaugh hints ‘the left’ is too strict about consensual sex

I think our current notions of rape culture are kind of a mirroring of the more puritanical beliefs on sexuality that seem to have been propagated, historically, by Christian groups—sex is dangerous, and if you don't enter into a sexual relationship under strictly controlled conditions (a written contract, a formal marriage, only particular kinds of sexual behavior, etc.), it will harm you and others.

I don't think anyone has said that sex is dangerous. Especially no one from the left. But the left does say, logically, that yes means yes and no means no. Whether in writing, saying it, etc. Even if she says no later, she said no. period. end of story. if any man can't respect that then he's not a man.

There's nothing wrong with sharing these ideas of "safe sex," really. But I can't help but think far too many men and women have been vilified and are continuing to be vilified because they're seen as sexually aggressive and willing to break the rules. Sex is confusing, especially for young people. It's different between men and women. We try to control and regulate it because of these confusions, I think.

Everything you're talking about is the right wing of the united states. I have yet to see a left winger say that safe sex is wrong. In fact, just the opposite. It's been the left wing that's been fighting to protect everyone. It's been the left that has fought for the Violence Against Women Act, including to protect the LGBT community. It's been Republicans in the House that fight against it.

No one has tried to "control and regulate" sex beyond "you know, it's a bad idea to rape women. just sayin." I'm trying to insinuate that you're pro-rape but to be perfectly honest that is how I read your comment.

One last thing about this--"won't someone think of the children!?" or as you put it, "Sex is confusing, especially for young people" didn't work for Anita Bryant either.

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