Why do the Rush Limbaughs and Ben Shapiros not seem to realize that culture is inherently fluid and changes to adapt to new norms?

Your description is “more an issue” with linguistics than culture. Most people these days have an elementary school understanding of language, and actual linguistics isn’t a part of any public school curriculum, nor is it any longer a required elective in universities. There’s also no study of philosophy any longer, aside from people who specifically major in it at the university level. So you don’t even have people being introduced to someone like Wittgenstein, who (this is a very simplified explanation) wrote on how words mean simply what they’re understood to mean.

So, you get a bunch of people who literally just don’t know how language works, evolves, manifests, or changes. You get people like Ben Shapiro who don’t understand that a dictionary is merely a reflection of the language. It isn’t the language itself.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread