Russia, Banned From The Winter Olympics, Apparently Is Hacking Olympic Emails

No, his sentiment is that nations operate in ways that cannot be worked against with civilian methods. This seems like bad trolling, but I'll tell you what, we'll take this seriously if you can:

1 - Find a court that can convict an entire nation that exists

1a - Including if that nation is on the UN Security Council permanently

2 - Come up with a justification for multiple intelligence agencies to coordinate their efforts without using the words "deep state" in your explanation. Not even proof, I'm just looking for a non-batshit justification.

3 - Give us a list of what it would take for you to consider this true, since in addition to the listed agencies a total of 23 different agencies have reached consensus of analysis - with proof (just because they don't trot it out in the open does not mean it does not exist, and they do not have it) - that Russia, as a nation, did these things.

Please stop treating the international community like your neighborhood. It doesn't work that way, and never will.

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