Russia To Disconnect Itself From The Internet

Well if this is the way the worlds going to go, then I can't wait for the US to follow suit. Anything to make doing anything in the world difficult I suppose. Fuck this bullshit aggression in all honesty. I'm sick of being stuck in the middle of shit I didn't ask to be a part of.

It is boxing yourself in. Pretty much every nation in the world does this when ever they are preparing for any sort of aggression. Same crap was done to news papers. And all it resulted in was a social disconnect, 2 world wars, and a cold war lasting 4 decades.

Well you have the audacity to lecture us about how evil China is and how you know more about us than we do so...

I don't think China is evil, they just suck at taking others ideals and considering them equal. I don't know how many failed policies need to be made with them between the US and Russia (hell the world really) for anyone to realize this. Their current government is just not worth dealing with as they still enjoy over stepping boundaries. But repetition seems to be the way of the land so try again I suppose.

I'm just tired of all this BS. Its getting boring reading the same story every time, just with a different twist in technology.

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