Russia has interfered in 19 countries’ elections over 2 decades, report finds

If everyone does it

everyone doesn't do it and even if everyone did and I was the only person on the planet that thought it was wrong I would still say it because how many people support something doesn't make it more right. Crowd mentality leads to excusing shit that shouldn't be ok to do to other people.

don't be intentionally dense.

why can't you just have a normal discussion?

focus on Russian meddling

here - there are plenty of article talking about it, it's not a secret and people have talked about it plenty.

This doesn't contradict my point that forces within the EU most likely meddled in the Brexit vote..

based on what? who has any evidence on this? you can't just say "oh, they likely did it because so many countries have done it.." if you have nothing to support that.

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