Is Russia safe for brown people?

i didnt even mention anything close to that, i said:

Perhaps my reading comprehension is lacking, but how exactly is that different?

I found an interesting video based on YOUR request

While my own reading incomprehension is questionable, yours is certain beyond a doubt. I didn't ask for a 20 second homemade youtube video. I asked for a comedy show, the kind of which routinely employs racist humour and me never having seen it should somehow be considered peculiar. Where's the show?

something that is genuinely funny isnt a bad thing

If someone tells you that your parents look like a bunch of crap-slinging baboons, would you laugh? If not, then your claim to it being universally accepted as funny is a bold-faced lie, which it 100% is.

u racist u

You're a clowning troll and that's all there is to it. Enjoy.

/r/russia Thread Parent