Russia switches off Europe’s main gas pipeline until sanctions are lifted

Not sure where you're seeing climate denial, because it's not in this part of the comments.

I’d say that the parroting of “we’re moving to clean energy and that’s a huge problem” rightwing propaganda is a form of climate denialism. It functions to frame transitioning to fossil fuels as dangerous and frame the status quo as better.

Most people on both sides of the political spectrum agree there is some form of man made climate change

This isn’t true. A huge percentage of the right denies it completely.

but it's to what degree that is in question

Scientists universally agree we’re approaching cataclysmic repercussions. Excuse me if I don’t give any credence to rightoids who say otherwise because they read some article once.

how effective/destructive various policies are to combat those changes without also creating a whole host of other problems.

You realize this “host of other problems” in the context of this thread has more to do with ineffective and poorly thought out sanctions on Russia than anything to do with clean energy. That’s what I’m pointing out, the rightoids on this sub are taking a crisis explicitly caused by sanctions and then claiming it’s because we’ve transistioned to solar too quick or some shit. It’s either naively incorrect or willfully dishonest. If you’re blaming renewable energy instead of the sanctions you’ve totally missed the boat.

Climate change isn't a one size fits all problem and nor are the solutions.

Ok. Sure. That’s not what’s being discussed here though.

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