Russian-linked Serbian monarchists and a British far-right organisation plan to equip Kosovo Serbs

Good, I support them 100%. Think about it for a second. KLA terrorists launch a militant uprising, killing whoever stood in their way in the process. In a misguided attempt to punish Milošević the West chooses to side with these terrorists and helps them declare unilateral secession as part of the new state of Kosovo on territory that is still claimed by Serbia.

Now you have a compact population of ethnic Serbs living in the north of the province who want absolutely nothing to do with this new quasi-sate. These people are Serbs both in terms of ethnicity and citizenship and they have absolutely zero desire to leave Serbia. They are especially fearful given that Kosovo is currently run by corrupt leaders of the former KLA. Some of them, including the prime minister, have even been accused of being complicit in organ theft. These leaders even tolerated mobs of Albanian nationalists to carry out pogroms against Serbs remaining in Kosovo and to burn down beautiful Serbian churches that date back to the Middle Ages.

So now can you really blame Serbs in northern Kosovo for not wanting to be part of what they consider to be an illegitimate state. Why in God's name should they be forced to leave Serbia against their will if they don't want to. How does that not run contrary to the very idea of self-determination that the Albanian secessionists in Kosovo have used to legitimize Kosovo's statehood. What utter hypocrisy is it for these former secessionists to claim that Serbs in the north shouldn't have the right to choose their fate because Kosovo's "territorial integrity" must be protected. What an utter joke!!!

So no, I'm sorry but I feel nothing but empathy and support for the Serbs of northern Kosovo who don't want to be dragged from Serbia and into a new secessionist entity against their will. And I feel nothing but gratitude for whoever is willing to lend them moral or material support in their quest to defend the rights, their property, and their very lives.

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