Russian Soldiers Have Given Up Pretending They Are Not Fighting in Ukraine | VICE News

Well, first off, I wasn't even speaking of that. Though I find myself curious as to why you thought I was.

The mistakes I'm referring to are:

  1. The continued support of the Azov Battalion, which has no place in a country that desires to be more Western.

  2. The multitude of times that they AND THE SEPARATISTS have violated the ceasefire, while trying to play innocent. Ukraine continues to deny breaking it, and yet the OSCE reports bring up a many violations as the Russian-backed separatists. They also violated it by changing the sequence of events and forcing a vote before the region could be claimed autonomous without discussing it with the separatist leaders, as they were supposed to.

I rarely actually 'support' Russia in spite of /u/DynaTheCat claiming that I do. I speak out against injustices I see in a world that is gray when so many very desperately want to see black and white. When Russia does something that is no different than a current Western power, I bring up the similarities, not to pardon one side or the other, but to show both as frakked up. When I was presented proof that Eastern Ukraine had Russian equipment there, I decried Putin and his hybrid war. As a gay man, I disagreed with the man even before all of this. Attacking Ukraine for her mistakes and supporting Russia are not the same, and it's time that people in this subreddit learned the difference. If I cared about cheap attempts at upvotes, then perhaps my comment history would be littered with pointless, stupid jokes about 'Putler' or 'vacation', but personally, I don't see the point of such rhetoric.

I find it horrendous and a true violation of a human's right to have an opinion that because I dare to speak out against Ukraine's mistakes, I am told that I'm supporting Russia.

Life is gray, good sir/madame, and on this subreddit, I will continue to speak out where I see it, but please do not confuse me with someone who blindly supports Putin. I abhor his actions in Ukraine as much as I abhor the mistakes Ukraine has made.

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