Russophobic, bigoted, xenophobic SNL Is Prime Time American Entertainment

Is it done or maybe at least reported favourably by the media?

I'm not close enough to it to know the intent, and I don't claim to understand the intricate workings of Russian big state media outlets, but the cliche would be that its reported in a way to generate nationalism and show outrage among the public against the evil west. Ive seen Russian "commercials" that are clearly apologist toward Russian actions and negative toward the US.

It's just the term is never used; yet complaints that "some bumfuckistan has gotten itself in shit and now we're damned if we do invade it to set things straight and damned if we don't" are commonly enough encountered.

I agree with the sentiment here, but its not the same as I see often here, which is that anyone who disagrees with Russian government or actions is labeled some pretty absurd things, Russiaphobe being the kindest, Nazi, fascist and the like are the crowd favorites. An obsession with Nazism and fascism seem like the current bogeyman, much like terrorist is in the US.

One of the complaints I have in general with the Russian contingent here is the seeming total lack of self criticism. Government or public action and sentiment seems universally defended. The video in the OP, while easily written off as tasteless seems pretty innocuous to me, and the source being SNL makes it more comical how offended people here seem to be. If you're not familiar with SNL, nothing is sacred....people, presidents, congress, stars, everyone ends up being the butt of cliche jokes, and people take it for what it is. Late night comedy, sometimes in poor taste. Its not some evil anti-Russian post to discredit Russians. Its not because Americans hate Russians.

I guess my opinion would be to lighten up. How would everyone here feel if missiles were paraded down the street with Putin's name on them, and Russian flags outside of malls used as door mats?

If SNL garnered this type of response, I imaging the the things mentioned would generate a collective apoplectic fit.

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