Rust Updates: Junkpiles only spawn next to roads and powerlines

Try to do all that I can see.

But I've only got my perspective. I have no qualms with people bringing their own. I recognize that.

I typically don't attack people for voicing their feedback. I fail to see how its constructive.

I'm concerned about solo/causal play. Modded is dog shit, such a none answer.

Community servers die within a day unless your one of the neckbeards or play on zerg friendly servers.

They also almost all wipe to often.

I'm stuck on offical for that monlthy vanilla feeling. Yet it seems vanilla becomes increasingly grindy. Not harder really... not more brutal really... just grind and random ass artificial gating of content behind ill conceived ideas to get the pbase to interact with each other.

Which they won't beyond shooting people desperate for components.

That isn't fun. That's just litterally tilting the game to favor no lifers and huge clans. It does nothing for small groups but an attempt to make meaningful fun pvp harder for them to engage in.

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