Ryan Reynolds harassed in coffee shop

Oh, please. Beside me having no respect for the paid liars who shill out whatever they need to shill to get more popular or get paid by someone for saying it, this isn't even the point.
I don't need to invent the cons or hope that they're there. They ARE there. You go into the business knowing what you're getting into, or at least a part of it (and now you also know you'll get molested by anyone and everyone). If the desire to be a celebrity and to have tons of money overpowers that, so be it, but don't act all shocked and sad when the thing that happens to literally every celebrity since the start of time happens to you.

Going into the police likewise doesn't remove your personal right to not get goddamn shot at/knifed/attacked. You'd be a retard to think it won't happen to you and if it does happen, while it would suck for you that it did, it wouldn't 't change the fact that you got into a job where this WILL happen to you.
The difference between these two comparisons being I do respect the latter, vastly more important occupation.

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