It’s been too long

How about each actor playing their part as a much more mature version of themselves AND as their most popular screen character e.g. Jim as Jack Ryan, Dwight as Rainn the philanthropist, Michael as Gru, Kelly as Dr. Mindy, Ryan as Baker Smurf, and Pam as Jenna.

“Do I smell yeasty food? Or is it cheese from the mooooon!?” Michael bursts in as minion Dwight (wearing very fashionable Rainn Wilson button down) sniffs about for donuts and brie.

Sensing the imminent danger, Jim silently strokes his beard, signs “Duck!” to Pam, draws his gun and shoots the jello mold stapler (because if you draw your gun you use it). Kelly takes down some clever notes as she observes Ryan wringing his chef’s hat as he turns to the camera implying “are you seeing this stuff?”

Camera then looses focus off Ryan and onto Pam. Yeaaaah, Pam. She smiles with her insider knowledge of the prank.

Unfortunately, DeAngelo Vickers (as Will Ferrell) strides in and Jim aims and lets loose another volley but misses Ferrell and the office staff all yells, “Michael!”

Stanley looks up from his crossword, humming “2 Be Simple” and heads for the front of the line for pretzel day.

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