That’s called getting dropped

This fight has everything: a backpack tossed nonchalantly, a bunch of empty chairs, a skinny guy who talks with his hands like a deranged Italian, some jibber-jabber preliminaries, a vicious shot to the skinny guy's head, the skinny guy's astounding ability to shrug it off and come back swinging, a good body slam, a continued demonstration of heart by the skinny guy, and a feeling of shocked disbelief on the part of the bigger guy.

Ordinarily I would give this video a 9.0045 out of 10. But, sadly, once again the cameraperson has ignored more than 100 FUCKING YEARS (!) of film and video protocols by assuming that the viewer actually PREFERS to view the world as if looking through an open closet door, so lazy is he that he cannot turn the motherfucking camera 90 degrees to Landscape Orientation. So for that reason, fuck it: my rating is a -2.5.

I have spoken.

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