It’s a choice.

My friend who was an addict sneezed on me and gave me an addiction to heroin. Also what diseases is addiction good at mimicking considering addiction is a state of mind. Also just because you are spouting words it doesn't make you right. In fact, you have no idea what you are talking about. I don't care how many addicts you were around, addicts lie and manipulate to get what they want. Unless you have put a needle in your arm you have no idea what goes through one's mind.

You don't contract an addiction. You develop an addiction over time from the use of addictive drugs. It's called a habit. Not one thing you said makes sense.

Withdrawal is your body expelling its toxins. It's not mimicking anything. And the time that takes depends on what drug you take. Not a disease, but your bodies natural reaction to toxins in the body.

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