It’s crazy how different this Reddit community feels about SBMM compared to the Modern Warfare II subreddit

Another issue is there is no true casual playlist, and there never will be.

The "casual" playlist we have now is filled with 6 stacks using the most meta guns and the most meta exotics with the perfect stat distribution.
And that's fine.

I don't take crucible seriously. I don't want to be forced to sweat my balls off every single game because I don't want to use a hand cannon, slide shotgun, or Lorentz. I want to fuck around with an auto rifle or an SMG or exist in a lane for longer than .025 seconds without getting my face blown off my a sniper from across the map.
That's why I don't play trials, the fake comp, or the free for all. I don't think there's currently a shooter out there that does pvp how I want, so I don't bother with them.

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