It’s illegal to pump your own gas in Oregon. A local news Facebook made a post about the law changing for rural areas. The comments are a goldmine for crazy people so here’s a taste.

Yeah, I live in Newfoundland and it's probably been 10-15 years since I've seen full service anywhere. Some small town mom and pop gas stations might still have it because their clientele is almost exclusively really old people and/or their pumps are old and shitty. But other than that, I wouldn't even know where to go to find full service.

When I was a kid (late 80s, early 90s), full service was really common. It seems to have gone by the wayside here as Interac became popular. Wouldn't be surprised if the two were linked since full service was kinda dumb if you still had to get out of your car to go pay anyways. By the time pay at the pump and wireless Interac machines became a thing, full service gas stations were long gone.

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