It’s ladybug on spider mite violence over here

Oh okay. Soil is always busy bug wise.

I find coco to be easier in the long run because you control everything. Obviously buying nutrients has a higher upfront cost, but the extra growth rate and the difficulty of overwatering (esp with perlite added) is really great. It's a nice middle ground where you don't really need to build a hydroponic system, just water with the right nutrients, and buy a cheap PH meter.

Everyone says soil is easiest, but I see bugs and overwatering as the leading causes of death around here, so while soil cuts out some of the extra steps, it's not necessarily easier IMO

Sometimes, I run into issues in soil, and it's very hard to diagnose. And of course, soil leads to the most bugs and often comes WITH bugs, or seeds. If you are going organic, and love soil, you might consider other beneficials like predatory mites!

I say all this, with the hedge that the bulk of my experience comes from growing all kinds of other plants indoors.

ALRIGHT. I think I have ranted your face off sufficiently

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