It’s Not Just Mike Pence. Americans Are Wary of Being Alone With the Opposite Sex.

So in construction work, due to a rising number of women entering the trades, here is the basis of our sexual harassment talk at the general contractor orientation: "We all dick around. If one guy says stop. Just stop. It makes life easier for everyone. Now... we have more and more ladies working with us now. You can't act like they're one of the boys. Keep quiet, try not to be alone with them in the same room. Odds are, we're going to have to believe them over you if they report you for anything, even an offhanded comment, and that's the facts of life. Don't treat them like one of the boys."

In other words, treat women like outcasts. Two separate contractors I've worked for gave this speech. They are... not necessarily wrong. Can women be just as raunchy as men in conversation? Totally, but in this day and age, it doesn't mix well in the shop or field.

I tend to keep quiet around women and ensure I'm with someone at all times. Just as women are uncomfortable around a large amount of men, I'm uncomfortable being alone with a woman. Where women have to worry about sexual harassment, I have to worry about being accused of it.

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