It’s not prostitution

see above to the cake today asshole response. Thanks for doubting someone who was hurt by other people, you sure are a great human being. I can't believe people doubt me when the shit is in my comment history over and over again. You just don't care, just like everyone else. It's easier for you to blame me for being hurt by other people then it is for you to except responsibility for doing nothing and letting shit like this happen in the world you live in. I'm too nice to people so they walk all over me and then as soon as I decide to tell them know they go completely insane and think they own me like I'm some sort of slave. How about the Old man who drove in my car yesterday and refuse to take responsibility for it? How about the stupid woman threw a fit over a bottle of soda she spilled and I refuse to clean up so she threatened me with the police and I had to leave my home in the snow and almost freeze to death as she stole every single piece of property I had from me, and then never even showed up to court for a little bullshit protective order she used as an instrument to do this? There's no point in explaining anything to people like you because you don't want to be wrong, you only want to feel good about yourself because you're a dumb animal doesn't know any other way to do that then to deny decent human beings the sanctity of their own existence. If you really care and you really have the capacity to be wrong look through my comment history and write me a sincere apology you asshole

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