It’s now statues of Washington and Jefferson under fire

The inherent representationality and the intentionality of the statue is an excellent point.

I think the example about a hypothetical Hitler statue in a modern day Hasidic town would actually be fascinating.

Like, what was the context behind that statue? Was the town Jewish at the time the statue was put up? What were the power dynamics that would've let that statue stay up for all this time, and what were the attitudes towards the statue at the time? Was it a divisive symbol or was the town predominately full of Nazi sympathizers? Or maybe the town became Jewish after the fact, and then what was the history of the town and how did the town's demographics change so dramatically over time?

And then how is such a statue viewed in the modern day? Do the Hasidic locals see it, and use it as a call of unity, aware that just as there used to be, there still exists people who hate them just for who they are? Or maybe it serves as a stark contrast and reminder for the dramatic change that has occurred - from Nazis being in control of the town and now they are in control of the town and have the power?

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