It’s over.

I just went through this, do not cave you will get through it. I have been doing well for myself been back working out and just trying to gain control of my life again as I secluded myself.He called me today and I answer when I shouldn’t of but it’s ok. I told him everything real which he didn’t want to hear, he texted me as well so I told him the truth through texting too and guess what he stopped.I know this man like the back of my hand he doesn’t want the conversation to go any further until he can see me in hopes to get me back . Guess what it’s not fucking happening , no more messages, no more availability, no more emotional support a big fat nada. He was so appalled I took the day off and didn’t invite him, ooooopsie know your fing worth. You will find someone better but right now you feel so confused but stick to it and you’ll see how much he cares.

/r/adultery Thread