S08E05 Pre/Live Discussion Thread: Mother's Day Madness Edition

People were generally on a high after the first two episodes. I feel the smallest of decisions and execution would lead to a very different general feeling after 3 and 4.
Episode 3:
- More sensible battle tactics (trebs behind wall, army behind trench)
- Jon and NK sword fight for a bit first before NK raises dead to cockblock him, give fans that pay-off
- Kill at least one proper character
- Stab Theon in the face, not through plate armour

Episode 4:
- Still kill a dragon but just in a more believable way than stealth ships out of nowhere
- Still have Dany go a bit mad with power with the threat of losing her throne claim, but not suddenly lose all her IQ
- Scrap the parlay scene, and don't relocate KL to the middle of a fucking desert

/r/freefolk Thread