S11E01 - All Star Super Queen Variety Show [Post Episode Discussion]

First impressions:

Plastique Tiara: Not as fishy as I expected, runway look too similar to her entrance, shady in the face but quiet.

Miss Vanjie: Loud, looked good on the runway, entertaining narrator.

Nina West: Kind of like a sane Mimi Infurst. Hope she doesn't end up with Champagne thrown at her.

Shuga Cain: Wasn't crazy about her runway look but super charismatic and sweet and she does look 40, some folks need to check their contacts.

Honey Davenport: Total mess on the runway, looked clunky. Nice personality but gives me early out vibes.

A'keria Chanel Davenport: The fishiest queen of the season. Flawless from top to bottom. Robbed. That five wigs in one wig killed me.

Brooke Lynn Hytes: Cute boy. I think she won because the cat-suit seemed like it was hard work, gave me Olivia Newton John circa Let's Get Physical meets Maggie Cheung in Irma Vep.

Yvie Oddly: Cocky, her runway looked fierce, her look reminds me of Stacey Ferguson. I was surprised she wasn't top 4.

Silky Nutmeg Ganache: Eureka 2.0.

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