S13E06 - Disco-Mentary [Post Episode Discussion]

Hot take(?) but I literally did not understand the judging this episode. I honestly felt like the judges were watching a different show to me.

Gottmik’s performance in the challenge was one of the worst in my opinion, and her runway was extremely low effort - a fun idea but low effort and didn’t look good. She should have been lip-syncing in my opinion.

Utica’s runway was incredible. I don’t understand how they could read her for that, but not some of the other queens for theirs.

I also didn’t feel the love for Tina’s runway. It wasn’t terrible but I didn’t think it was great. I’m actually really surprised at how little we’ve seen of Tina this season - I was hyped for her after the premiere(s) but I feel like she’s faded into the background since then for me.

Tamisha and Elliott were thrown under the bus with the hula hoops - set up to fail. Tamisha is an absolute treasure and I can’t wait to see her inevitable appearance on All Stars.

I will agree that the lip sync was very good from both Kandy and Tamisha, but I personally think Tamisha edged Kandy out. It was close though, so I can understand them picking Kandy.

/r/rupaulsdragrace Thread