[S3E8] [no spoilers] Theory- Characters are protons, neutrons and atomic particles reacting to the blast?

bfume: I don't understand the point you are making. Well, actually I do, but don't really see how it has anything to do with my original hypothesis about characters being metaphors for sub atomic particles in a nuclear explosion. And the only powerful and important "release of energy" within the context of Twin Peaks as far as I know was the Trinity test. I'm speculating about what may or may not happen within the context of the show. There very well may have been intentions to bring BOB and "Thr Experiment" into the world because if you have read "The Secret History of Twin Peaks" you would know that Jack Parsons, a real actual dude who was a rocket scientist AND occultist who actually worked on that project. He was very much into the esoteric works of Aleister Crowley and ritual magick, so Frost and Lynch incorporant all of this in the story.

I don't understand why erasing intention will help answer any questions...

For example: A detective investigating a mystery sees an effect (murder) and seeks the cause or intention (an angry lover).

But I don't understand why leaving humanities intentions out of any question about how characters in a tv show may at as metaphors for protons, neutrons, and electrons? Please explain a bit more what you meant.

I don't think you got my original post. We are dealing with an abstract television series, not the ACTUAL trinity test dude.

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