[S5][E6] Ozzy Man Reviews: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Honestly I'm one of the people who thought the Sansa scene was solid. I caught a spoiler that it was in this ep before I got to watch it and from the tone of it I was expecting book-level fucked up. The way they did it communicated what was happening without being cheap or vulgar in my eyes, in spite of me seeing a lot of people throwing those words at it.

My reasoning is that the only alternative was a Saturday morning cartoon (AKA Sandsnake) plot of the heroes sweeping in just before anything bad happens to the fair maiden. This is what a marriage to Ramsey always meant, it's not nice and it's not clever but it wasn't trying to be.

I also find it a little premature to throw the idea that she's had her character broken into the mix when we haven't seen the aftermath. Until then I am quite strongly in the camp that, knowing that this was going to happen, she acted in the best prepared way she could.

She play up the cowering virgin in the moment and then continues to scheme when Ramsey isn't looking. Ramsey gets the expected reaction and suspects nothing amiss, meaning he can be outmaneuvered later.

That aside, Tyrion/Jorah was the scene of the episode. Arya's scene was a real winner as well, the hall of faces was very impressive. Not going to say too much on these other than I like the way they're going.

In King's Landing, the trial has been fairly called out for flimsy evidence and so on but I can suspend my criticism seeing as it pulls that plot line into a more book-like state to set up for a stonking good payoff. I still wish Loras could have more personnality but as far as the show trying to get to the main plot points with less time/characters I can accept this one. It's not as good as The Wall plot adaptation but it's much better than...

Sand Snakes drool. Saying too much about this would be beating a dead horse. They have missed the spirit of the story in almost as complete a manner as I can imagine. Just hoping Bronn lives, since he's the best character there out of the lot of them, and Areo (spelling?) gets some character development.

As always, very enjoyable analysis and I look forward to next week!

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