[S7E6] Post-Premiere Discussion - S7E6 'Beyond the Wall'

Jon targaryen of faction "wight capture party" has left a comment: Fall back!

wight91534 has defeated xXRedshirtMcParkaXx

Danaerys of faction "Team Danaerys" has entered the battlefield.

Viserion of faction "Team Danaerys" has entered the battlefield.

Drogon faction "Team Danaerys" has entered the battlefield.

Rhaegal of faction "Team Danaerys" has entered the battlefield.

Night King of faction "Winter" has left a comment: crackle crackle

Faction "Team Danaerys" has allied with faction "wight capture party"

Drogon is on a kill streak x10

Drogon is on a kill streak x50

Drogon is on a kill streak x100

Drogon has beaten Jon Targaryen's high score.

Drogon has left a comment:

/r/gameofthrones Thread Parent