Sabbats ???

Part of what I appreciate about Wicca is the fact that it gives a modern framework for old partially forgotten traditions. It accepts that things change, and that our practices can change with it, and that that's natural.

Yes, we aren't gonna be as desperate to reach a holiday like Yule as an ancient Germanic tribe would have been, but that's the nature of our modern life. What hasn't changed is we still experience that winter solstice, just because we're not eking out a desparate existence in 4th century Denmark doesn't mean it isn't something we experience. It's still an important marker of the passage of winter to recognize, it's still a significant sign of how the season is progressing and changing(usually where I live, for example, you can expect the most ice/snow events around and a few weeks after the winter solstice). Why not use a historic name like Yule to denote that event? Part of the purpose holiday as I see it is about reminding us of the importance of that passage of the seasons, even if it seems somewhat abstruse today.

Also, while I may be in a bit of a unique situation owing to my eclectic/Celtic tendencies, I appreciate the honesty Wicca gives me with it's holidays(amongst other elements). I tried to be CR for a long time in my late teens/early twenties, and it never gelled for similar reasons you're expressing. It felt inauthentic because we simply don't really know what a holiday like Samhain consisted of. We have bits and pieces of folklore that we can stitch together to get a rough idea of its significance, a few potential practices one might emulate, but its mostly just guessing. I'm not even sure it's something we'd want to reconstruct. In Wicca, though, I'm free to admit that my version of Samhain is probably largely modern even as I try to introduce as many elements of Celtic tradition into my practices. Again, it gives a modern framework for older traditions that can't honestly be fully revived.

So for me, most of the sabbats speak to me on that level as well as getting back in tune with nature.

Ultimately, though, I don't really see why you can't just use a different name if it is that important to you; or downplay events that don't resonate for you. I suppose it might be tough to ignore these days or their names during coven work if you're absolutely set on BTW or bust, but then if you're so opposed the idea that you want to "roll the Wheel off into a burning ditch"...maybe you're looking at the wrong path for yourself anyway? Something to think about, maybe.

/r/Wicca Thread