It's sabotage!

I wiped out going 40 on a jetski. Was coming out of a cove and was like third in line in our group. The waves from the wake of the other two had started bouncing off the rocks and made the area a bit choppy. I gunned it and started cutting through waves and got the front through one but it picked the back up and turned it.

The jet ski turned sideways and gave me enough time to realize what was about to happen. It came to a dead stop and sent me fucking flying, I skipped across the water twice before going under. It was so fucking disorienting.

My vest kept me near the surface but I hit so hard I was actually under the water for a second. All I remember was reaching my hand up and saying "ok you're near the surface". My glasses were gone and I'm glad no one was right behind me. I swam over to my jet and crawled back on and that's when the adrenaline wore off and the pain hit. My entire ass and swelled up and bruised. I could barely walk let alone sit. Most miserable 3 days of my life.

I grew up going to lakes and oceans and spent a lot of time on the water. It amazes me how many people jump on a boat, without knowing how to swim, and drink their fucking face off. It takes fucking seconds for you to be in a life or death situation if you cant swim, begin to panic and have no way of grabbing onto something.

I took the wife and all her cousins out a few years ago, it was a yearly thing to rent a boat or get with friends who had them. Me and one other guy could swim, there were 8 of us, and everyone said the vests were gross and ugly. We got rocked by some wake and few waves and everyone looked around like I could stop it. They decided to all put their vests on and jump in for a photo and as SOON as they hit the water 3 had immediate panic attacks. I'm glad I doubled checked vests because there was no way we wouldve saved them. Two of the girls just floated there and went with the current becuase they couldn't understand kicking their legs and one girl doggy paddled back to the boat. The anchor got wrapped around the propeller so I had to swim out and bring them back one by one. I got back to shore let it known this is never fucking happening again, I dont need that shit on my conscious.

Water is fun as fuck but its unforgiving. This chick is lucky she didnt snap her neck or knock her out becuase you sink like a stone until your body fills up with gas as it decomposes and brings you back to the surface all bloated. Add to it that many lakes have shit visibility past a few feet. Damn this vid gave me some flashbacks lol.

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