A sad day (x-post r/CringeAnarchy)

Unfortunately not, but I can see how my deliberate vagueness about personal information makes that plausible.

The particular example in my mind for most of this is a single woman who raised 4 kids through quite a few marriages. Her terrible taste in men was bad for her kids, in an understatement of the year kinda way. One of her husbands sexually assaulted one of her daughters. Her attitude the whole way through has been to lean on God, rather than improving her own situation. When I was growing up, she was like a second mom to me, so it was weird to look back and realize I passed up her emotional maturity level around age 14, and I was a late bloomer that way.

And, to be clear, this is not the mental illness case I was talking about, the Grandma who was convinced that all young women were whores in need of punishment and supervision. Who was "raising" a young woman. My sister spent like a day there and has horror stories.

Or the controlling dad who was raising two girls. You know those chicks with serious daddy issues and a future in the sex industry? I got to watch one grow up. Only the younger one is still with the family, but she seems a lot like my sister: timid, trying to fulfill the good girl role to finally outshine her older sibling, but with an almost complete loss of faith in the church, so she's looking/waiting for a decent exit strategy and torn between those emotional needs.

Those aren't the only cases that come to mind, but certainly the main ones. And intellectual laziness in parenting is not unique to Christianity. But I've found that the Church's bluff relationship with critical thinking, and sometimes outright enthusiasm for duckspeak rather than thought, makes it a perfect breeding ground for certain types of bad parenting. It's not really responsible to push this narrative of personal helplessness when you know it's hurting people, but we'd still do it, because you believe, right?

So yeah. Not pasta.

/r/justneckbeardthings Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com