Sadowbanned users: Are you still playing and why?

What smartphone does not have Twitter? Discord app is for android and ios. Here's the real deal. My problem with people who hate scanners is they treat it like gps spoofing or something really game breaking. I dont like that logic because its like treating trespassers like murderers. Two very different crimes. I don't mean to sound dark, but I'm trying to share a point.

Niantics tracker isn't that great. It either shows pokemon at stops or in the wild. It might show 3 of each at time (both pokestop and wild). You can miss a lot of rare pokemon because the in game tracker isn't showing all of them in the near viscinity. There should be a dedicated nearby page and a sightings page. Give me a great in-game tool, and I won't need to go to outside sources.

Futhermore, niantic just saying scanners are against tos simply because "it takes some fun from the game" isn't really convincing to me. I'll decide what is fun for my game experience. Not john hanke. Niantic should give full disclosure of why it's not allowed rather than just a one line statement in an interview.

/r/TheSilphRoad Thread Parent