Is It Safe?

Your submission has been temporarily removed because it contains out of character comments in the body of the post. From our posting guidelines:

Do not comment out of character on your story. Remember: everything is true here, even if it’s not. Do not insinuate or flat out say that your story or any other story on r/nosleep is or may be fictional. Commenting out of character on your story destroys the suspension of disbelief for the readers. This will result in your post and/or comments being removed by the moderators.

In your post, you talk about how your story isn't fake like certain other stories on nosleep are and this breaks the "everything is true" rule.

Please make the necessary corrections and message us to request re-approval. The re-approval is manual, so send a single request only. Multiple requests do not mean faster approval; in fact they will clog the modqueue and result in re-approvals taking even more time.

/r/nosleep Thread