Safe sleep standards can suck it

I am not American, so when I arrived in this country with my parents my mom was pregnant with my little sister. We lived in a tiny tiny tiny makeshift room in our extended family’s garage for the first few years. The room couldn’t have been bigger than a 10x10 storage unit. We had one dresser, one queen bed for my parents and one small kids bed in another corner for me and that was it. I remember that it was rare to be woken up by my baby sister. My parents co-slept with her in the bed. In my culture that’s normal. Now that I’m Having my own child, I don’t feel comfortable co sleeping per say only because I let my dogs sleep in my bed and there’s no getting them out (we’ve tried, save the advice- these dogs are a menace Lmao). I plan to open myself up to what works best for us that is as parallel as possible to the “safe sleep guidelines”. I’m much much much more terrified of what could happen being severely sleep deprived for a long period of time. Babies need their parents to be lucid and at least semi functioning. I believe that parents who are so absurdly sleep deprived and exhausted prolong the challenging newborn stage because both parent and baby are too tired and physically/mentally struggling to be able to learn how to understand each other’s cues and learn to communicate with one another. I’m no expert but I’m not exactly sure I would consider western society a beacon of good/safe parenting standards lmao.

/r/NewParents Thread