Safety and moving to Abkhazia

If someone wants to move to France

Someone wants to move to France. There is more to France than living in the banlieue and doing accounting.

religious cults activities

You told me some Gulenists owned a boarding school, I wanted to make sure they were not in power. There were no questions after this on this topic, if I wanted to read about their movement I have Wikipedia

the demographic situation of Romanian and Albanian migrants

If you open a café near a construction site, you sure as hell want to be sure that the builders have the means to buy your coffee every morning before work. I asked about everyone's demographic situation

no-one would believe he is coming for making business

Yeah, he is planning on living there. I asked the most questions in school, in college, at work, and now I can have a conversation on any topic. If you have nothing to hide, you'd answer my questions.

You wouldn't tell me to contact you on a one-way anonymous encrypted app, and tell me that you have no social media when the guy who's number you gave me told me you texted him on an app.

/r/Abkhazia Thread Parent