Safety protocols, safety timeouts, apologies – When will we ever learn?

To be honest right, you look at the people outside, or the people nowadays. Can you please tell me how many of them will really listen to what their peers say and really take in their opinions in school or at home? To be honest, people are selfish these days..

I would say guys tend to act rashly. They have a mindset that if you are a guy, you must be fit, you must be strong. But everyone is built differently biologically. How can you expect other people to be the same as you, and you considered them as "chao keng" when they didnt meet your expectation. It lacks the word "caring" in army. If everyone would be able to care for each other, do you think these accidents would happen?

Dont say that "in war enemy wont care for you hence army harsh training is to prepare you for that". I dont see anyone trains for WWII but our ancestors was still tough because they want to protect their homeland. So is this army culture really needed?

/r/singapore Thread