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The saga that keeps on giving: Celsius published a 14,000-page document detailing every user's full name, linked to timestamp & amount of each deposit/withdrawal/liquidation

The saga that keeps on giving: Celsius published a 14,000-page document detailing every user's full name, linked to timestamp & amount of each deposit/withdrawal/liquidation

It's not secrets per se, it's just I don't want to ask for permission and give reasons after the fact if I want to spend X on Y or whatever. We completely split our finances to never discuss money ever and we love it that way.

She gives me enough flak because I work in a regulated investment bank and must give all her investment transactions to my company each month while I never traded a day in my life and cannot just share that back :s

My dad died this week, horrible accident, and has assets from the sale of his business this year. I do not want either to tell exactly the amount, simply to avoid any sort of monetary jealousy installing itself for any reason in the future. It's okay to keep things vague and mysterious, at least for us...

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