A Salad of Beets and Radishes with Mozzarella and a Passion Fruit Vinaigrette


For the salad:

  • 1 medium sized beet
  • 3 baby radishes
  • The smaller leaves of a bibb lettuce
  • Fresh mozzarella cheese

For the vinaigrette:

  • One passion fruit
  • 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 4.5 tablespoons of olive oil
  • A teaspoon of honey
  • Half a teaspoon of Dijon mustard (optional)
  • A pinch of salt and pepper


Preheat your oven to 200 degrees Celsius.

  1. Wash the beet well, removing any dirt. Dry and wrap with tinfoil. Put in the oven for 45-60 minutes until it is tender. You should be able to insert a knife into the beet without effort. Open the tinfoil carefully (hot!) and leave the beet to cool.

  2. This step should be done during the time when the beet is cooking and cooling. Wash your baby radishes well and remove both ends (don't cut too much! You don't want to be wasteful). Slice the beets width-wise as thinly as you can and set aside.

  3. Prepare the vinaigrette. Pour into a small bowl and add the radishes to it, allowing them to soak in the dressing.

  4. Pick the crispiest, freshet smaller leaves of a bibb lettuce. Any lettuce with crisp inner leaves will work well in this recipe, such as Romaine lettuce. Wash the leaves, dry them well and set them aside.

  5. Slice your mozzarella width-wise into slices one third of a centimeter thick. You don't want their presence in the salad to be felt; avoid slicing them thinly.

  6. Cut your now cooled beet length-wise, right in the middle. Cut it width-wise into slices three-four millimeters thick. Pick your best slices and arrange them in a fan-like shape on one side of the plate.

  7. Your radishes have now soaked in the vinaigrette for some time. Take one radish slice at a time and arrange them in half a circle close to the edge of the plate, each radish overlapping another slice.

  8. Arrange your lettuce in a nice pile over the beets. Drizzle the whole plate with the vinaigrette, careful not to use too much. Don't drown the vegetables. Place the mozzarella against the lettuce carefully so that the pile doesn't collapse. Drizzle it with olive oil. Eat and enjoy!

/r/food Thread Link - i.imgur.com