Of Salamanders and Pirates

Vaerona read the letter carefully, a finger tracing out the letters. It was a difficult task; she had been taught her letters as a child, but six years as a crew member had seen them atrophy to almost nothing. Why couldn't it have been a fight? Why does it have to be writing of all things? Most girls she wouldn't care about but with Isidora there was something, something that made her want to impress the younger girl, to be more than occasional lovers who told each other tales. But this... this wasn't going to be pretty.

An hour and a half later and six crumpled pieces of paper, she was done.


Thank you four the leters you have sent me. My writeing is tearible, butt I do like them much. I will be the busyness man four your father. You are beautyfull stil I am sure, I look twowards seeing you.

Vaerona, Pirate Lord of Dark Den

Was it right? Probably not, but if she waited any longer it would be too dark to send the boat with the missive through her and Syro's combined fleet without risking some kind of awful damage... and some bloody captain finding out that their liege had affections for a dainty Lysene lady. She didn't have affections. At least she was fairly sure she'd spelt her own name right this time.

"Return this to House Sathamantes in Lys, ask for Lady Isidora. If you read the letter, tell anyone what's in the letter or otherwise say anything about the letter, I'll keelhaul you myself." The man looked the type for whom threats would work well, and she was proven correct as he scurried towards his small boat, probably hoping to return to Lys as quickly as he could. She shut the door and opened a bottle of rum, swilling it around her mouth as she reflected on the situation she'd wound up in.

/r/awoiafrp Thread