Salman Rushdie blasts authors protesting Charlie Hebdo tribute

Chappelle and Chris Rock have both went through these phases where they took black comedy and made it very introspective of black culture, however they both regret doing this because for the majority all they have done is breed new and funny stereotypes that the majority can use to feel better about themselves. It's been 10 years since Chris Rock's "black people vs n****rs" joke and the only people who are still vomiting up that dribble like it's pearls of wisdom are closeted racists.

I can't speak much to Charlie Hebdo but I know you're completely off base with this. For one these were never "phases", both used humor to explore race relations and be introspective of black culture throughout their entire career. Nor have either ever said they unanimously regret using racial humor. They've had uncomfortable experiences with people who misappropriate bits for the opposite effect that they intended, in some cases to the point of dropping that bit like in the one you reference, but both continue to tackle issues of race with humor to this day. Finally just because some racists wrongly felt vindicated by Chris Rock's bit doesn't make it dribble. It was a career defining act and many still appreciate it for the message it was trying to convey. The last I heard anyone mention it was Donald Glover on the WTF podcast talking about how great and influential it was as black comedian who also feels compelled to use humor to address race.

I don't know enough about Charlie Hedbo, but I take great issue with drawing a line and saying certain topics are off limits for comedy and so would the vast majority of comedians, minority or otherwise. To say comedy that explores issues of discrimination actually furthers discrimination is just absurd. No one listens to a joke and becomes more racist

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