
I don't get the hate for Vivian, really. Obviously, she's inferior to Tyra in short-term damage races, but she definitely has more sustain, between the shield and nigh-infinite ammo. In competitive, her seeker mine gives the entire team intel on enemy movements, assuming her player keeps up with the callouts. And, as a Vivian, I've always out-damaged allied Viktors, and there's nobody, absolutely nobody, who can melt shields like her. Plus, y'know, she never has to reload.

Buuuut then again, Vivian became my de-facto damage Champ, like, a week ago. So I'm pretty new to her. (I'm actually an Ash main, though. I just have a thing for evil girls with red and black hair.)

The most common complaint I see about her is that she's boring to play--I guess that's true, as her strengths rely more on planning ahead than split-second action, and most fights are basically "hold right and left mouse buttons while pointed toward enemy"--but surely that's not something you can hate Vivian players for, right? If anything, Vivian players are the victim in that situation.

So... like, why is she hated again? Viktor and Tyra are both very similar, and meta, and beloved. I'd argue that Vivian is superior to Viktor, in fact, while Tyra and Vivian are equal. Or am I misinterpreting, and people hate her cause she's too powerful? I dunno. Let me know what ya think.

TL:DR: I deserve to die.

/r/Paladins Thread Link - i.redd.it