Salty Captain Saturday

I have no idea where all these LCdr positions are coming from. Right now, our Navy is no bigger than 10-15 years ago when we had the 280s. Yet it seems we have even less Lt(N) now than before. Some of those LCdrs hardly have any sea time and operational experience. I've heard rumors that the Navy will bring back second D-Level tours to fix the problem of the depleted Lt(N) pool.

The Navy amalgamated several positions into my current job. I see my counterparts enjoy a great work-life balance, get great evaluations and work in a staff officer billet. Here I am struggling, mental health in the shitter and everyday I look at the antiwork sub contemplating my career choice. I am happy the Navy is stopping promotions to LCdr, it will definitely help the Navy in the long run. (This also puts the nail in the coffin for getting promoted in the foreseeable future.)

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