Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and Daniel Dennett debate Dinesh D'Souza, Nassim Taleb, Shmuley Boteach, and Robert Wright at the La Ciudad de las Ideas Conference in Puebla, Mexico (November 8, 2009).

What you're missing is that this is a culture war sub. Sam has been pretty explicit over the years that he is in agreement with Jordan Peterson about the authoritarian aspects of the left so now the sub is filled with a lot of people who hate Harris and especially hate Peterson and spend a remarkable amount of their personal time on this sub railing against the two of them.

It's kind of neat to watch it play out. I cant even imagine being so angered about something that I spend all time on an unknown subreddit arguing against it but that voodoochile dude is online all day every day fulfilling his lifes purpose. It's been weirdly effective too. This is no longer a place to discuss Sam Harris. This is now a place to circle jerk about how evill Peterson and Harris and Rubin are.

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