The same Luke Skywalker that believed his mass-murdering father could be redeemed tried to kill Kylo Ren for having a bad dream.

I disagree with this. Imo the downfall of the Disney trilogy wasn't that much JJ or RJ's fault (they did still play a role in it) moreso Disney for not making a clear road map while executing the movies really fast and sloppily, I'd say its really Disney's fault for not "getting" Star Wars.

I like JJ Abrams cause he played it safe with some nice classic Star Wars fun, for the most part I love the Force Awakens and it's just generally a good, enjoyable movie to watch.

I also like RJ cause he challenged conventional and generic SW plotwriting and the way the fanbase usually sees SW. I felt that Rey really coming from no-one was a more original idea than her being a Palpatine (tho i still liked this origin too) and Luke shutting himself off from the force was a really interesting topic.He did pull stupid shit like the Canto Bight sequence and also completely shat on Rose's and Finn's characters.

The reason why I feel like JJ and RJ are even however was because of rise of skywalker, which JJ handled terribly imo. JJ directed the movie as if it was like it was direct sequel to TFA, and while RJ did push JJ into a corner with the story, that doesn't mean JJ had to handle it so immaturely and inject so many of his own ideas back in when it got thrown out in Last Jedi. Literally the only character that has a full, rounded-out and solid character arc was Kylo Ren because miraculously both directors just agreed on his character.

JJ and RJ aren't really the ones guilty for this whole mess in the end, disney thought they could just shit out a trilogy by putting directors with a history of good movies and completely forget that directors conflicting with eachother was a very possible thing that could happen.

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