Same night and city where that girl got smacked.

Okay, you literally said germany is in the wrong for censoring nazism... but yeah I didn't pay attention in school. Definitely didn't pay attention to get my dual degree in college. I'm sorry "you" are so old u have to critique people using abbreviated words that have become common in our digital vernacular for over a decade.

Maybe talk to your son and get a better understanding of what younger generations are experiencing. I'm envious that your generation could work at one company for your entire career life and comfortably buy a house. Both of which are far out of reach of generations younger than 30-35. But yeah my generation is the brainwashed one because we have access to an unlimited forum of information at our fingertips... sure dude

Reddit is literally the only social media platform I use. You're the one claiming Twitter is a valid source of information

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