The same people who warned me against marrying the first and only woman I ever dated are now, 20 years later, all divorced and bitter, while my marriage is going strong.

I’m the only person my husband ever dated. We met in high school, were best friends, then started dating the day after my graduation (he’s one grade younger, but we’re very close in age). I got a lot of “oh you’re still dating your high school boyfriend?” comments, and he got “you’ve only ever dated one girl?” comments. It caused me so much anxiety over whether those people were right that we actually broke up for a few months during college. In the end, I’ve decided to be grateful for the few months apart, because it let me know (on my own) that I don’t want to be without him. It’s crazy to me that I almost gave up on someone that really is perfect complement to myself. And like yourself, many of the people that questioned our relationship or judged us are already divorced or are just not winning at life in general. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! I hope you and your wife have many, many happy years to come!

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread