Sanders: Boeing, GE, Verizon would pay more taxes if I win

Have you ever taken a look at the voter turnout for those kinds of elections?

Candidate Congressional District Population of CD Votes cast (2014) % for GOP
Bradley Byrne Alabama 1st 635,300 (2000) 152,234 68.16
Martha Roby Alabama 2nd 635,300 (2000) 167,952 67.34
Mike D. Rogers Alabama 3rd 635,300 (2000) 156,620 66.12
Mo Brooks Alabama 5th 696,690 (2010) 154,974 74.4
Gary Palmer Alabama 6th 635,300 (2000) 178,449 76.18
Alan Nunnelee Mississippi 1st 762,914 (2006) 151,111 67.91
Gregg Harper Mississippi 3rd 711,115 (2000) 170,946 68.89
Steven Palazzo Mississippi 4th 711,219 (2000) 155,576 69.92

These are the Republican strongholds, voter turnout appears to be somewhere between 20% and 35% (which isn't any different anywhere else in the country) depending on how many actually are able to vote age-wise and from those about 2/3 or 3/4 are voting Republican at best. So these district are nowhere even close to being "full of people who want them to vote against pretty much anything Sanders likes" - quite possibly the other way around, they appear to be full of people who've given up because they have been convinced they don't stand a chance against the Republican onslaught.

If you double the amount of people who bother voting - which happens by showing them these numbers, running a strong progressive candidate in every single district and telling people that they are not just voting for a Seat in the House but for the future of the country, I think enough people can actually get motivated enough to try or even to help and campaign for the candidates that would help.

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