Sanders camp discourages supporters from voting Trump

In policy, he's all over the place

His policy has been fairly basic and not changed. He wants to secure the border, lower everyones taxes, restructure trade deals that hurt us, punish companies that leave America, end the wars, stop paying for 170 other countries military through the UN holding us hostage, and open up the markets for health insurance companies. This hasn't changed in months.

(like trade) I disagree

You agree America should just do nothing about how bad other countries take advantage of us or that he could actually change anything?

He's either clueless about how the world works

He's actually been doing business on a global scale for 4 decades. He's much more familiar with foreign relations and how things work then Obama was at the time he took office, but nobody complained back then so why now is this an issue?

To give you an analogy we took a helicopter pilot Obama and made him a commercial airline pilot. Now we have a jet pilot Trump and people act like he's never assembled teams to get shit done. They act like because he didn't yay or naye bills for 4 years he couldn't all of a sudden be able to make decisions.

Also I don't like that he humiliates his opponents

He speaks pretty well about Sanders, but he has destroyed Cruz, Bush, and Rubio. He hasn't really hit Hilary hard with much, but his opponents humiliation falls on their shoulders not his.

lies with ease

This may or may not have happened. It's a fact Hilary is the least trusted by a landslide and is all over Youtube lying about everything. I haven't seen evidence to what you claimed.

pussyfoots with racists and praises dictators

I don't know what you mean by this. I've watched the bulk of his rallys and all his debates with most interviews. Can you be more specific on pussyfoots and tell us who he is praising that is a dictator?

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