Sanders campaign slams ‘blackout’ by corporate media

there are new pieces of information/studies that come out all the time that go hand in hand with what bernie is talking about, yet the media wont relate the two.

it really doesnt matter if he is saying the same things over and over because the intricacies and ramifications of what hes talkimg about are countless.

Odd example ill make off the top of my head:

There is a health club in which most members smoke and are developing ailments from the smoking, yet they arent aware the smoking is causing it.

Now you have a group of members running to be that club's president or morale-leader so to speak. This person will be in charge of laying out lifestyle plans. Now one of these guys running has simply been saying all along, "smoking is bad for your health" while pointing out some studies. The other candisates have had other priorities and not been concerned with the smoking issue.

The people however are starting to figure out the fact that smokimg is what has been ailing them all along because theyve recently taken a close look at the studies and given it serious consideration. Lets just say throughout the election process the one guy keeps saying the same thing hes said all along whereas the other candidates dont commit to the idea that smokimg is bad for one's health. If there were media coverage of this, every time a new study linking heart disease or the rate of cancer to smoking, they should at least mention he studies and mention the one candidate who at least discovered and is aware of the root problem.

Like i said before, bernie sanders is at least on the right track and although he's a bit light on details, i have the greatest faith in him to address the problems, if only because hes the one whos identified them on point all along.

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